The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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The Kingston Whig-Standardi

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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THE KINGSTON WHIG-STANDARD SATURDAY AUGUST 21 1937 TWELVE City and District Bay Ferer Xafmaltos TPhona M30 for Interesting news boot quick relief from hay fever PROBS: Fair and cool on Sunday Bolden of any Meyer sitting coo-pooe may use thee any One now by y-mtug for appointment VhHfa*g Aaad jrcr Bartow Cobourg haa been pending holidays with hie aunt Mra a Platt Fart Shop Tonight for 1 to Perfect Fitting Non-Run Unshrinkable Slips a Flatt haa returned to Tbrento after holidiylng at "toiMew Fartf with Mm Flatt and family Mrs A Platt Mis MOM and Bthcl Platt' Cobourg haw left tor hom*o after visiting with Mn Braes Flatt "BuMew Park" each Nearly SJIS peaph hare Ttottod tke Meraey Taver Muiaai at Mu-4euM Far Car tide euuarKenuih Out aerator at the amseaa taM Tka Whit-Steadsid Mr Chute Is kept basy shawtos ThHata tkisaeh tha massam sad fee rsparta that iiaay fcu toaiMs shew a ktsa totonst to tha htotortoal ehjsrts ssatstasi to tha aaaa Tha cantor to stwwa staadlar near tha arinue to tha aM tortMealha A mooting of the property committee ef tbs dty Council hu boon called for Monday afternoon at ISO o'clock Big Egg Mrs James Kish of Britan rent a hen egg to Tha Whig-Standard on Friday which measured eight aad a half poebta in circumference in one direction and six and a half tarhre in tha other direction To Ratify Radactlea A special meeting of the FUbHe Utilities Comenlrekm hu beu called for Monday afternoon next at 4 It is expected that at this meeting the reoent reduction In otoc-trical rates for an purposes by tho Ontario Bydro Htoetrie Commission win bo ratified by tho local conunla- Napanee VI Upper School MILK for a glamorous complexion beh Glass of Milk You Drink lao Oolclum Treatment MUk aft clean ap uslgbti cnbaftwlaf la Hsirishrs wbca mqlMi Ac fcu MM cad fnak milk It milk to the rfcheri (aara af CALCIUM af aU foede And skin peetalbto aftaa pro-aerifca CALCIUM first of all to clear eomptoxtom db-arAcrii Tea fat a CALCIUM BKACTT TREATMENT wttk every glam af adlk ja drink! It anti alaMat tea easy dossal Itf Toe limpenslv Bat try MI Leak what milk Isas tor a baby's tola Drtak at tout aaa (lasa a day Make Milk year dally hackees Sevang I i I Cloor Up Your Oomploxlon with Milk But Bo Buro Good Milk HEMLOCK PARK DAIRY hom*oGENIZED MILK i fills the mort exacting requirement! for health a Hemlock Park Dairy Salesman in your block every morning or Phono 3100 Hemlock Park Dairy UMIIED Makaie af tha Faaisac Velvet lea Cnaai to lem Yaa Bettes" Tailored White or Tea Rose All Sizes 50c Pintles Bloomers Vests In a fine closely knit non-run rayon fabrtd which wears and washes perfectly Tailored to fit perfectly tl meats are comfortable to wear and cool on the hottest day Lay in a good uhubd Bruce President The best worflf of slip ws know of They fit smoothly dd not' creep or cling arq fast colors and nnw shrinkable and wilt give long hard wear Shades of white or tart rose In small medium or large size Lingerie each ONE CASE AT ROMAN BELLEVILLE Aug 31-Xnf entile paralysis hu found lto way east to the County of Butins Dr Welsh MHO of Tyondlnaga reports om uu near Boslln 8a ad vises that parents should bo on tho lookout and not overlook an undiagnosed lilnsM similar to com non cold of ittift ERmONS WELDERS AND SHEET METAL WORKERS Fheao 70S Utt Ckrn Ik LOUQHEORO LAKE CLEAR AND SFABKUNO Officially Tsetod and Approved 3S-2S 4 Days a Week gLM month M-SS Iba-I Days a Wuk BB aunth KINGSTON ICE A FUEL CO an Mw it rta ua DOST BUUE YOUR BATHRY FOR YOUR OWN NEGLECT Whulhe tritely to yow am My yow Mtossd topehe is to Umu As hatewy Vri mmy kritoey toSerei ore du to uglscf dte pat of Ho oor oriwa Mort of rtdoV ihtoli atari teems- Sooewsobop Lri Mf psmmrt oueporiad tallmp touhlo fm ym Ori WHM "lemtoo-Tert" to IE ywoww oadSoaiy Irtmn lumtoriu Cm to today mi ido aAm SST MUla WUu Trophy At PWOR Tourney Ltout MUb woo Ifea COL Btranie hi the FWOJL rdf BMot yaaterJoy at tha Cstaraqul CM Kingston WED THURS FRI Napanee Cdkglate and Vocational Institute Upper School multi: Willey Alkenhrack tog Comp tog Lit I Kraut Bean tog Comp a Louise Black Kng Comp XI Doris Boyct tog comp XX log Lit Douglas Cancalton Ing Comp tog Ut Amu Chadwick Mod Hist doom XL Chem XL French Au I Jeaima Clark Mod Hist XL Alg Trig Botany XL Zoology French Au French Doom XL Znlena Clark Kng Comp XL tog Lit IX Florence Coo way Mod Hist latin Au Latin Comp French Au French Compi German Au German Comp 1 Badye Oralgen Alg XL Trig French Au XL Wlltod craven French Comp Patrick Culhane tog lit Eva Elliott Mod Blit Oeom Trig Latin Au a Latin Comp French Au French Comp Beta Elliott Eng Comp tog- Lit XI Marion Evans Kng Lit Kste Ew-ka Botany Zoology Tvonna Frills Eng Comp Zng Lit Reginald Freeman tog Comp tog Lit XXL WlnnUrcd Retto German Au XL Stuart Gilbert German Comp XI Muriel Grooms tog Comp XL Eng Lit XX Zollab Grooms Xng Lit XL Latin Comm Margaret Ham tog Comp Kng Lit Donald Harrison tog Comp (L Mod Risk Alg Trig XL Lathi Au CN Latin Comp XL French Au XL French Comp Juno Hogeboom Mod Hist Trig Fraser Hoglohg-Ut XL ModHtot Alg Ocom XL utbt Au Utln Comte French Au French Comp Harry Huff Alg I Ctoou 1 Trig Fhyslu Chem XL Carl Jarvis tog Comp XL DC-XJL XL Latin Au XXL Lattt Comte French Au French Corap Osina Klmmerly Mod Hist Ocom XL Trig Botany XXL Zoology French Au French Comp Loretta MoOullough Alg Zoology XL Fbyrin 0 Cham II Once Mages Alg Trig Edna Martin Mod Htak Botany XL Zoology Sena Miller tog LU Mod Hht XXL Alg Miriam Miller Eng Comp Eileen Milligan Mod Bat Alg XL Latin Au XL LnUn Comp UL French Au XL French Comp XX Agattm Murphy tog Comp Mod Hat doom Trig UL Latin Au Latin Comp XHbello Nanis Oeom XXL Trig CL Latin Au Latin Comp French An French Comp Dorothy Paul French Au Godfrey Paul Oeom XL Trig XL Botany 0 Zoology FhylUs Paul Eng Ut ID Thomas Raby Mod Htot Dorothy Reid tog Comp XL Ing Lit Merton Roney Eng LU Vera Ruttan tog Comp tog Lit Latin Au Latin Comp Leah Scott Trig XXL Botany XL Zoology Verna Scott Trig Botany Zoology XXL Helen Storey Mod Bat XL Latin Au XL Latin Comp XL French Au XL French Comp XL German An XL German Comte XI Richard street Oeom XL Trig Botany Physic Chem French Comp Marjorie wayne Mod Hat XL Alg Latin Au Latin Comp French Au French Comp Donald Bwltaer Reg Comp Mod Htot Alg Oeom Trig-L Botany Zoology Pbysiea Chem i Ethel Thmnpwn Mol Bat XL Oeom XL Trig XL Botany IS Stuart Urns Botany XL Zoology XI Marjorie Ungar Mol Hist Alg Trig Botany XXL Zoology Warden VU-entyne Oeom XL Trig Fhjike Chen XL Lathi XL Jeu vine Utln Au XL Latin Comte Richard Wagner Trig Otenn Whits Oeom XL Trig XL Physics I John Willoughby Zng Comp tog ut XX Benjamin Woods tog ut Zoology toobel Paul Mol Hist Jean File Zoology James Hughes Botany Marie Scott Chem Ns Movies of die Ontario Canpaign tola of the forthcoming Ontario political campaign hare born prohibited by Ban Kitchen Hepburn order that there may bo no aito-understanding as to unfalnma Mr Hepburn yesterday tftoreoon at Enterprise ordered a movie machine which had been act up to taka picture of the Liberal nomination i removed from tha halL- Be explained that in hto capacity appeal (idge of the Ontario Board of Movtag Picture Ceneorn ho had reentty adopted a policy of no permuting the showing of any election campaign pieture The order would apply to an par-tin he sell so that there would he bo chance for any secure tione of tin-faireen or diseriaiatnation la the shoving gf gugk picture Klwanta Acttvttteo Monday meeting of the tomato Club at Hotel LaSalle at ILM pm win be addrereed by Stuart Brown clvU engineer in charge ef the concrete work at Fort Henry neonetrne-Uon Mr Brown wu tha gentleman who wrote the letter recently published In The Whig-Standard relative to tuning Navy Bay into a pleasure dte C-wanton Edmond Fehkmann win give the attendance priare at Monday mooting (tor Roeovorod Tho Kingston police were today notified that a ear stolen in Kingston on Thursday night had been recovered by Traffic Offloer McKeUar of Fort Hope about a mile rest of NewtonvUh The ear wu owned by Garragb 2U William Street and wu stolen from in front of hto bouse on Thureday night The ear hod boeb deserted on tho roadside FOREIGN MAILS Europe Queen Mary from New York doieo hers August 34 13J0 noon scheduled to errire Cherbourg August Southampton August SO Ducbew of Richmond tom Montreal etoM hare August S4 HAS pm scheduled to arrive Cherbourg Sept Southampton Sept Xto da Ftance from New York cloere hero Augurt HAS pm scheduled to arrive Plymouth Sept 1 Havre Sept duch*ees of Athol tom MontreaL closes here Auguet 31 11AS pjn sriieduled to antva Greenock Sept 3 Belfast Sept I Uverpool Sept Rmprase of Britain tom Quebec closes here Auguet 37 HAS pm ehedutod to arrive Cherbourg Sept Southampton Sept 3 Wert lad lee CoUwrne tom Halifax clow here August 31 HAS scheduled to arrive Bermuda August 30 Georgetown Sept 7 Lady Nelson tom Montreal daw here Auguet 34 1149 pm scheduled to arrive Bermuda Auguet Georgetown Sept 7 Traae-Faelfto Free Jackson from Victoria slow here August 34 1330 noon scheduled to arrive Yokohoma Sept 10 Shanghai 8ept 14 Hong Kong Sept 17 Manila Sept 30 Aorangl tom Vancouver elow here August 37 1230 noon oefaedutod to arrive Honolulu Sept Sure Sept IS Auckland Sept 31 Sydney Sept SS Deaths Funerals DR ARCHIBALD JAMXISON Dr Archibald Jamieson prominent physician at Arnprior for twenty-five years and a graduate of Queen University is dead at hie home In Arnprior Xte- Jamieson also took a poet graduate count In London England Ftomlnent In many activities ha wu Medical Health Offloer of Me-Nab Township a member of Arnprior School Board and alio held tho position coroner tor that district Xto wu one of tho tint principal of-fleers in the founding of Dochart Chapter of Arnprior Dr Jamieson wu bora at Kara tot and wu twioo married surviving are hu wife formerly Eva Bourns of Ottawa: two eons Captain Erie A Jamieson Beamevllto: John Jamieson Arnprior: one daughter Mra Hopper Ottawa two Esters Mra John Eliott Pakenham Miss Mary Jamieson Kara Onk Coaserraims to Pick a Caikfidate Announcement wu mode on Friday by on official of the Liberal-Conservative Association of Addington riding that tha Cooservativs convention to choose a candidate win he held at Herrowwnltb on Saturday Aug 31 Hon Black who hu represented tho riding to more than quarter of a century to practically certain to again be tha nominee of tho CoourvaUre party WRITING SFIDER DETROIT Aug 21 (CP) -Tho family of writing spiders haa a new member Tha ueweonw la believed a brother of tho tamed "Rentow" which appeared a year ago at tho home of Mn Mamte Bette here Mix Bette found the new odder oarly thto week Hi had written a cryptic au a web la the back yard Yesterday he wrote "Mack" which Mi Betu immediately adopted go kte Free Methodists Adopt a Superannuation Flan Given The proposed plan far aupeianniia-Mon of mtaJoter whieh wu dtoeuoeed at 'an carUar ocsolon wao taken up asaln at thto morning serrlon of tha Mon Ontario Oonfonnca of tha rres Methodist Church la Canada The vote wu Anally taken and the plan proposed by the Hamilton district of tha Wtetera Ontario Conference vas adopted by a luhatanttoi majority over the Han proposed by the executive hoard The latter plan proposed participation In the Government annuity plan The Conference Women Missionary Society has held three aaasione At Friday afternoon session a memorial oervlco was eonduetod for the several members of tha eoctoty who passed away during th past year At Mday evening scerion tlw election of officers took place The election of officers resulted as follows: Officers Elected President Mrs Margaret Btevenaon vice-president Mrs Csrolint Gregory resorting eesKtary Mrs Annie Ball corresponding secretary Mr Olivo Casem*nt treasurer Mrs Gregory home aeemtary Mrs Florence Sedan Mlerione study secretary Mr Non Hey Junior superintendent Mn Edith Jones literature agent Miss Ruth Bonn Panny-a-Day re-porter Mrs Chataon Beesrta w-o At the aeerion held on Friday afternoon the following preachers eubmit-ted nporii: Sev 0 CSiatoon1 Uxbridge Rev Oner HarrowanUh an evanga-list Her Jones Qravenhunt Rev A Boiko Pietoo Rev Bora 8 Oregory Westport Rev Backs Odessa Her a Reynold HarrowanUh: Rev I 8 Untrad RuntnUla Tha foliowlnc probation-en reported: Striding Rllladak: John Martin Cordova Mince Btaap-kins MobertyS 'W MaUory evangelist Bov Bay of Wfertworth preached at the service held In Oooke Ohureh on Friday afternoon Rev BUngerland of Toronto preached at tha evening service Rev Zurtrigg eonduetod the devotional exercises at the Saturday awning werion The foilowlng preachers gave reports: Rev Stag BeSuven Booth Vsnnaohar a Milter Pen-high Rev Miller Thhborne Babco*ck Perth Road I Dawson Mountain Orove Hlcki Kspeneo Shaver McArthur Mil MWon Johnathan Beamlth Peteibarough Claude Stephenson Ounter Rewe to Reopen Ontario House (Continued from Page 1) laid Mr Rowe "The working Bum of this province wm remember Osha-wa He will remember Peteihorough and the gaming of women and girts Re aM remember the pitiful conditions at Brockvllto and ha win not forget the Hepburn dictatorship to tha wont enemy the working clam of Ontario ever had It haa betrayed tha waiting man and turned out the army against him' Cast to viwmen Bonuses for better livestock brad' ing havs bssn reduced many services aboUehed and tamers refused loans in eider to build a surplus for election purposes said Mr Rows Them things together with the abolition of Ontario House had cost Ontario farmers ten millions a year "Mr Hepburn haa no monoy to lend the termer out of 11000000 aur-(due" be said "Re has no money for thr bettor breeding ef Uveotoek No money for tha agricultural college at Guelph ter the farmeri eons But ha haa plenty ef money to pay a valet 11AM a year to look after the 111000 bun which Just manured to win fourth place at tha Royal Winter PUr" Engine Said far Xaaft Locomotive No 44 owned by the Thousand Island Railway Company wpieh has served Oananoquo for several year hu been odd to Cohen Company ef Kingston far Junk The angina wvlgha tons and to being cut by acetylene torches la Gan-norue and shipped to Kingston in trucks The engine to yean aid aad has been stored in a Chad at OaaawocMs for tha part arvea peats supply tonight dsmu THAT BODY of YOURS By Bums Berio MJk VALUE OF THE ABDOMINAL BUT-rOBT One of the things that happoni to thin Individuals la a dropping of tho abdominal orsano duo to the tact that there lo no tat between tho organa to hold them in their proper padtloni Xt to not unuiual therefore to find tho atomaOh the lower end of which should be about I Inches above the navel or umbilicus right down bottom of abdomen tho upper tide about level with tire hip hones This means of course a long climb upward to the food to reach tho amaU intutlne and with both in-tcatinoo down with tha stomach there to coneldereMe delay and interference with tha proper or complete di-gastloa of food When an Individual decides to get rid of soma of hta or her Keen fat Imply eating leu starch and tat foods win gin results but trying to Increase tat In or on tha body to much mors difficult However while trying to put tat en and In tha body between the organa to haa been found that the stomach to lifted up tho other organa are lifted with It It to to thto reason that puny physicians in past years havs advtoed thesa patients with ptoito dropping of tho stomach to wear abdominal belts Unfortunately tho physician does not always advise Just which typo of belt to sultabia to Individual cases with tho result that a bolt that would bo of help If eorreetly fitted to thrown away by tho disappointed patient Dr Kaufmann Berlin statee that abdominal aupporta haw not been used as much as they All tho abdominal organa tnrfmnn tha itomaeh can be lifted and drawn bwckward toward tho hack bone (to which they are attached) hy a socially designed abdominal moport Xn thin persons tho support should have a (pedal pad Inside It Xa i ever cases or la very heavy individuals a brace made of itari and leather kerning tha curve in the Oman ef tho back and a pad (atoo of atari and leather) lifting abdomen up hi front gtvss splendid result Another advantage of a import to that the Individual tiro as readily does more work goto about and sore more and to therefore healthier aad happier BUXUHNO PERMITS WW(M there tafldiag pennlto have been token out the office of the dty cancer: Benjamin MrahaO to the erection of a fnuae bungalow on tha north aldt of Jcrere Street between Montreal aad Begot street estimated cost moo Heard to tho areettaa of a brick veneer dwelling on the north ride of Cut street between Raptor and MacdonntB ilnet estimated eert Robert Unchecked Fires Rake Shanghai 1 (Continued from' Page 1) British continued to hurry their nationals from tho war area their next hip southward being tha Rmprew ef Canada Aug 31 Tha Empress of Canada alio wu used to rescue foreign victims In tho great earthquake at Yokohama In 1333 Four hundred and fifty Brttlshen departed for Honk KOng aboard tbs British ship ShongMng Five hundred Japanese refugees left aboard a Japanese cruiser to be traneferred to a steamer outside tho war non GRADUATE OF RJML HAMILTON Ont Aug William McLaren (9 chief draughtsman to tho Canadian WreUnghouso Company and graduate of Royal Military College Kingston and Cornell University died suddenly at hie An-outer horn BUItNEII COLLEGE CHAT Prospect Ws era viewing the eoalng ywn wtth eoafldsne BusImm is to-oraeriag Mm are advancing- Foal-time In effim will to more numerous civil Sarvlos competitions will likely to an aouscad In the serly Autumn We ere prnarlng for Urgor eli Cell early au ireorve desk to 1S37-1S3S term Telephone 4100 lephr KINGSTON BU SINES COLLEGE (Mentors of Bisnnm Association ef Canada) Ml town Stmt PHONE US FOR INSURANCE SERVICE Gordon Humming XnonruM Broker Bank of Toronto Bldg Phono 1333 Rsfinlshlng Re-Plaling Lsoquerlng Expert west at very moderate out grid stiver nkkeL Maw upper at KINGSTON KLCOTRO PLATING CO PHONE 3SS Car Quin aad Wriliagtaa It ICSTMTR CATCH YBU ifAST AUCRPCUY YDUNCOAL with tha best low set for IS holes Rank Smyths van the low act for the lint nine and Major Meat ebapltn was low net for tha second nine CoL Spartes won tha aeatod hols prtoe -About SS took part in the toumoy and footMtlea after ploy Frontenac 0) SEPT 22 SEPT 23 SEPT 24 aay attend AMU a Ckfldrea GRAND 3 Big Days and Nights with SOMETHING DOING EVERY HOUR FARM GARDEN SCHOOL COMMUNITY and OTHER EXHIBITS nsiTRiNa VfAIIIMAtrS BIRD FARM A very aaaeaal axklbtt of rare foreign klria i am Hra birds dlffrmt specie eeltoetisa sf Ha klad la Canada Flaaaaw tke fhlr aad this gpcrlal Exhibit Tka to CHOWS RIDE! AND CONCESSIONS HORSE RACIBQ (HOARTIO QRARD STAND PERFORMANCES GENERAL ADMISSION: IS Udraa lto USB OUR SUPERIOR COAL BOOTH CO nan in 4.

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The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.