The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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The Kingston Whig-Standardi

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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TORES THE KINGSTON WHIG-STANDARD SATURDAY MAY 'S 1937 Deaths Funerals PROBS: Cloudy with showers Sunday 99 Scores of Suggestions SILK HOSIERY The Ideal gift all new colon 75c to $200 SWEATERS Practical gift Pullovers -Cardigan $295 to $500 GLOVES Wide variety many new novelty style 50c to $200 HANDKERCHIEFS Wide variety te uiect from 19c to 75c HANDBAGS The Ideal gift All new style wide election $195 to $695 BLOUSES Crisp new blouse Ideal for Spring wear $195 to $450 UMBRELLA8 Ueefnl gift All color Oil silk ilk and wool top $295 to $500 ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Exquisite colon In dainty gift flower 25c to $100 DAINTY LINGERIE Crepe de chine satin rayon 50c to $395 Public Library Bulletin HAVE YOU READ? Memoirs of a Spanish Princess HRJL the Infanta Eulalia The Man Countess Haig Midnight On The Desert Priestley Professor at Johnson Egerton Byerson His Life and Lettere-Gluon Whittling and Wood Tan Kerman What Hol-R ConnelL The Oreat Divide- Sullivan Neighbor to the Carroll We Are Not Hilton Married Rinehart Hoses Have Warby Good clothes are money keep them In the with Be Tex 1 never dreamed colei's could be so vivid or people's faces ao expressive bat thanks to Art bey glasses living in a new world!" YoU too May Need A Sight Test ARTHEY RO OPTOMETRIST 143 Prlneem Street YoaH LOOK Better In Modem Glasses FOR SALE COO Alt- room dwelling 2 9Z2UU bedrooms 2-pc both electric and gas garden and garage sun parlor 6 mom dwelling 3 90ZUU bedrooms 3-pc bath furnace hardwood floors garden and garage SOUTH ad Buys 8 room dwell-9ivUv ing large garden bam Easy terms EL MARTIN HEAL ESTATE Ac INSURANCE 299 Bagot St Phone 229 inspector or libeabies SASKATOON May 8 Angw Uo-wst librarian of the PdbHc library hem since 1933 naa been appointed Inspector of Public libraries in Ontario He win go to Toronto In a few mouth More than 50 libraries will be under his direction How Ovaltine saeedmeffom FOOD DEBILITY lid druggists grocers aod department stores 3I-yeer-oU Fortnffla money order 2) wu made out to Mr Keddie to Ottawa April 20 1814 and had been loot among old papers rtnee then Blare travel through space at vary tog speed Borne travel eeveral ha died mike a second 21st Members Are Associated With Three Coronations EUGENI ILEETR 1 SGX-MAJOR SMITH The colon to the 21at Battalion Club will be carried on parade on Coronation Day and will have the distinct feature to being carried by two of Kingston' representative! at farmer Coronation namely Bleeth and William Murray Bleeth wu a representative from Kingston at the Coronation to King Edward VH in- 1903 and William Murray wu one to Kingston's representatives at the Coronation of King George In 1911 Gordon Murray te one to Kingston's representatives at the Coronation of King George VI on Wednesday AD thru men served in Prana with the 21st Battalion The 31st Battalion Club win also have associated with it on this parade BergL-MaJor Smith who wu the representative from the at the Coronation to King George and who hu the distinction to winning' the DCJdL while serving in Franc The list Battalion Club contingent te to lave the 31st Battalion Club rooms Wednesday morning at ten o'clock to Join the mein procession Princess Street to Blaze With Color Daring the Evening Princess Street will blase forth in ell its Coronation splendor tills evening when the Public Utilities Oom-mlaaloa tiuns on its special electoral decorations at the street Intersections and ths augmented lights which have ban euppiled by the merchant! on the street The decorative plkqua on the light standards have been in plaa far several due and nearly all the store are now gay with flaga and bunting or Lave special Coronation window display The plaque which are a distinct feature to the street display were paid far by the merchant and it hu been augguted that they he left on the temp standards all summer in honor of Coronation year The rainy weather delayed the decorating program to some store Institutions and private houses but It is expected that these will nearly all be completed by this evening Merchants who have electric dliptejrs win have them turned on tonight Trees Planted On Arbor Day PICTON May An interesting and unique service wu held yesterday afternoon when Arbor Day was masked eg Mseaueega echoed in AmeHaa-burg Township with patriotic sen rioe wMch was featured by the planting of two eoorns from the Royal far-art Ih attendance ut the gathering were the pupUa of the two-room erfwd at Maanwagn and thou from the schools at Centre and Mountain Vtew i wen many spectator Roy Duhnage principal to the atari wws to charge to the oranon- tee which taetaded staging to petttotte songs end madtag Dr EL Btothms to Pletcn pub lie stood inspector far Mnoe Bdwud County I dm The trustees to the school bed provided Coronation medek and that were distributed to the pupU Owing to the sail In thle achoto ground being pertf*ckriy fedtow wws found nee-eewy to Mae a section eo (tat the aeons planted would have every cheat to surviving Mr BL Keane 434 DMrion Street tas memento to fhe Carats-Uaa to King Edwud VOL to medel hmed at the time and temed to an the stood children to Gnat Britain On the foes era heads to King Xdwaid and Queen Alexandra On foe amm fhe date to tta ELECTSOFFICERS A Rendell Elected Presi-ted President at DEBERONTO The following i the varioue oommtttera far the Men Lawn bowling eitfo for the earning season announced by the secretary-treasurer Mr Ckrk: Ground Alhm Worm Bade Gardner and Stover property Jama Fhiibafao Robert Miller and A Bogart game Robert Miller A Bogart ARum and Jama Falrbahn social A Bogart RendeO Moriey Gault If Stover 8 Hughes and Warren membership eU the mem ben to (ha dub The honorary presidents are Hatch to Toronto McMicklng to Toronto and Ex-Reeve Metcalfe to Toronto A Rendell was elected president and the rice-prealdente a re Allum Jama Falrbaim and A Bogart Then wu a fairly good membership test yew with a alight Increase over the prerioue year It expected that the season will open to the near future Cere nation Day Amngemente have been praetloalfcr completed for the Coronation Day service which will be held on Wednesday afternoon next commencing at two o'clock The program will open at the public achoto when the platting to a Royal oak by one to the youngest pupils win take pteo The medak will also be presented after which the pends will farm end march to the high achoto where another tree will be planted and the presentation to medak will take place The main program will be given to the theatre when the principal address win be given by Mayor Dr Blackwell The matter to planting the tram te subject to the approval of the Beard to Education It te intended to decorate the theatre far this Impressive aereloa Confirmation His Grace the Rev O'Brien of Kingston Archbishop to (he Dio-oeu wu to Deeeronto on Thursday night and presided ad a very Impressive eervioe which wu held to St Vincent de Paul Church The rite to Confirmation was conferred on splendid ctea which had boen prepared by Rev Leecy Other clergy In attendance were Monrtgnor Nicholson to BeOevlUe Father Healey to St Patrick'! Church Napana FMher O'Oonnan to Marys rills Father Carey to Reid and Father Byrne to Kingston Then wu a splendid congregation in attendance and aa eloquent eer-mcn wu given by Archbishop O'Brien Entertained Mi Henderson Thomu Street wu the hoeteu at a delightfully arranged Coronation bridge which wu held In honor to her daughter Mr Oameron Robson to Belkrills on the occasion to the latter birthday Oueate were to attendance faom BeUeriOe North Bay and Kingston and the dainty prism were won by Mia Heed Hammett to BeOevlUe and Jama Gardner of Kingston At the conclusion to the card the hoeteu served refreshment Entertained Mr and Mr Moon Centre Street wen At Home to a number to their Mends when Interesting games to were played Ths prtee winners were Mr RObtoean Mr Fred Hegemon and Perry The social period wu enjoyed at the clou when Kfoahmeuts were served At Ysrter Mayor Dr Bkckweti Thorns Hough and Sagar were in Yarker and attended the annual mating to district No 43 LOOP which wu held in the rooms to Rapid Lodge These brethren represented Dreer-onto Lodge end the prldpal item to buetaea wu the selection to a district deputy grand master which appointment went to Barrett to Napanee Lodge No 88 The visiting brethren were delightfully entertained at ths dose to the meeting Ge Te Bronte Mr jack Webster end eons end Mr Webster an leaving far Toronto where Mr Jack Webster hu secured a position They win make their home to the Queen City Mia Pricket sister to Mi Webster entertained before ttortr departure end afternoon te wu served A Killary The officers end menfbere to the Ledla Auxiliary to the Deeeronto branch to the Canadian Legion No 310 held their monthly meeting at the home to Mr McQueen with a splendid attendance Mi Parrott the FreoMtant presided end following the report by the treasurer burinea Items wen dteeuseed after which the social half hour wu enjoyed when refreshments were served Entertained Mra Moriey Gault wu the hoeteu to the tedtee to the "SOO" dub and after the atria to tottreeting game refrertunente were served Mi William Rowsom who wu a member before going to IkOevtll wu to at- D3EHM? Health from the Atlantic vienvaa health and IS sit 4m mm nm far fta Mass-Kalp amts Sms leUH-h i t-- pWntSanh wMah nw Mr wWeh mtium fftatlataa Nta tip IH gtM lU- ang MU mm Maaa- ggyssasasgtei a HIE DAMON HACKETT Thu death occurred on Mday at her nvfatenee S32 Queen Street following a lengthy illness of Mra Hackett wife of Damon Hackett The funeral ie to be held from her resU denee on Monday afternoon at two o'clock to Catanqui Cemetery Rev Basil Thompson of Queen Street United Church of which deceased had been a member will conduct the funeral service Surviving the late Mrs Hackett are her husband two daughters Mrs ftank Baker ef Kingston and Mrs Charles St Germain ef Montreal and eon Prank Nobee of wtnptesi Mrs Miller Kingston ie a slater of iltffiicd COCHRANE After having been a patteat In Mercy General Haspttal Tupper Lake NYfor more than four month William Cochrane aged 84 and a native ef OMbuink passed away there this week He wee admitted to the hospital on New Tear's day from hte steer's heme at Antwerp NY end ssi given two hiood tranef listens within the put two weeks He had been a former la the nelghhcehood ef Auburn and Syracuse unto his last into Unmarried he ie survived by five brothers and two eteers IndwHng Christopher Cochrane Tong Mills Burial took plaee at Milbum on Thursday WILLIAM ANDERSON The funeral of William Anderson sru held on Friday afternoon from hie residence 424 Prlnceie Street at 245 to St Church where funeral service wu conducted by Rev Dr Stephen The funeral wu largely attended and a great many floral tributes were received The honorary pell-bearer were John McL Stephen of Montreal Dr A Rom Samuel Green Edward Anderson Arthur Craig Diack The active pall-bearers wen Roy Ludlow George Druce Isaac Wylie Wlllhun Anderson James Nesbitt and Jack Spence Interment wu at Catanqui Cemetery HENRY BRENNAN Henry Brennan a Ilf e-kmg resident of lyeodtnaga Towmhlp (Bed on Friday following an Illness of lengthy duration at his home near Lonsdale He wu in Ms eightieth yew Hie eon of the late Mr and Mr Michael Brennan the deoeeeed was bon near Lonsdale and resided In Tylndinag Township all hie life Educated there be chose agriculture his life work and remained on ths farm during Ms many yean of Ufa He wa a Roman OathoHo and devoted much of Me time to the further-anoe of his church He was a member of St Mary's Church Marysville Left to mourn Me passing are three son Joseph and Edward of Lonsdale and Andy of Syracuse one toother Edward of Lonsdale and one slater Mn McConnell of Pioten MRS THOMAS PlIGH Tho funeral of Mr Thomaa Pugh took placa on Tuesday at her home in Outremont Que the body brought to Kingston on Wednesday where Interment wu made at Cata-raqui Cemetery The service at the grave wu conducted by Re Teskey of St Paul's Anglican Church Mr Pugh who wu Llszle Ann Donaldson before her marriage la survived by her husband LL-CoL Thomas Pugh: two toother COL Robert Donaldson and James Donaldson both of Ottawa- two sister Mr McAllister (Charlotte) of Edmonton Alt and Miss Isabella Donaldson of Ottawa The pall-bearers at Kingston wen six nephew Bud and Ted Donaldson of Ottawa Roe Roland Lawrence and Robert Pugh of Kingston Flowers from the garden of Col Pugh's sister Mils Murney Pugh Los Angela Calif were flown from California to Montreal a tribute of empathy Among the out-of-town people present at ths service at Kingston were: Mr Edward McDowell of Potts-vllle Mlse Ethel Pugh of Trenton NJ Mi Herald Robinson of Outremont Que Miss Dorothy Jones of Toronto CoL Robert Donaldson Jama Donaldson and Bud Ted end Billy Donaldson all of Ottawa and Mr William Stewart of Toronto Judges Named for Decoration Contest The names of the judges of the Coronation Decoration Contest sponsored by the Klwanls Club were announced this morning follows: Jama Halil day chairman of the Public Utilities Commission Hughe manager of the Chamber of Corn merer and A Hanley Hydro in spec tor for Eastern Ontario and manager of the CNR Telegraph Co By Wednesday then gentlemen will Judge the home business buildings end public institutions end their decision as to who will win the ten attractive prime will he announced at the Coronation Ball on the evening of the celebration It is hoped that every building or home in the city that te decorated win enter the contest All you hare to do te send your name and address to the Klwanls Club or fill out a coupon which again appears on another page of todays Whig-Standard The contest prime ere now on display in tho 'window of A feh aw Limited and are mostly silver Coronation shields a most desirable momenta to one of the gnat events to history FAMILIES TREK NORTH HAGUE Bask May I Ten font-Utea to this district thirty miles north to Bertefocn an en route to Peace River District la Northern Alberta to make new start on homeetend Boms to the fifty men women and children plan making a 200-mile trip by raft up (fee Peace River frm Peace River Alt to an area near Ftort Vermlltoc 400 mUes north to Mnimb RECEPTION GIVEN LONDON May I (CP Cable) Hon Vincent Mosey Ctaadten High Oommteateoer wild Mrs Massey and other well-known figure hat night attended a reception given by A Me Adam Acting Afent-Oeneml tor Brttteti Ootumbk to meet Lteut-Oov-mar EL Member and Mi Ham-ber Two erewturee to toe era aw known MpU One belongs to tire whale family and while the oUxriee fife Rain Interfered at Napanee Are Being Decorated NAPANEE May The annual inepeetion of ths Napanee OODsgiata cadet corps which was scheduled far Friday morning bad to bo postponed owing to weather eondltloa much to the disappointment of cveryo The rata which started on Thursday had left the grounds very wet and soggy and on Friday morning mote rain mim which made the Inspection lmpowilblSL Another date win bo arranged Real Estate Thuriow who recently disposed of bis hotel business to Sidney Goodrich of Toronto wss In town on Friday far the afternoon Mr and Mrs Thuriow are at present residing in Kingston and before leaving for their summer home at Port Dover will visit In Ottawa Mr Thuriow cams to Napanee from London coven years ago and has been In business sines that time having charge of the Richelieu Hotel Prior to coming to Napanee he was for over 10 years on the road aa a traveller Death af Mrs Davis Ths funeral of a life-long resident of Richmond In the person of Mra Clifford Davis was held at West-plain on Friday afternoon The decerned who wee 73 years of age had been an invalid for over 20 yean Interment was made at Weatpteln Home From Florida Ezra Pringle returned home a few deya ago from Florida where he and hie eon Aubrey Pringle vent the winter Decorations Dundee Street ii being prettily dee-mated in honor of the Coronation and strings of email flags about 24 to a string have been placed at certain Intervals across the street The store windows an also beginning to tabs on the Coronation spirit and thorn that have been trimmed are very pretty Te Attend Ing seat Dr Wilson chief coroner for the county Provincial Officer Barrett and 8 Ham county crown attorney will go to Fllnton on Thursday next for the Inquest Into the death of Aubrey Bedore Beard ef EdecsUea The regular meeting of the Napanee Board of Education la scheduled to be held In the council chamber on Monday night Ge To Bath Several past misters and members of Union Lodge expect to go to Bath on Monday night' far the official visit to Maple Leaf Maaonle Lodge of RL Wot Bra CL Campbell DDO Kingston Services The services in the various churches on Sunday will be of an interesting character owing to the approaching Coronation and references will be made to this Important event in British history On Sunday afternoon an appropriate service is to be held In St Mary Magdalene Church AIJA Meeting The regular meetings of the ATP A of 8t Mary Magdalene Church which have been held weekly for the past season will terminate In the very near future owing to the warm weather At the meeting held this week a goodly number enjoyed games of various kinds In the Sunday School rooms and at the close refreshments were served Personal John Frisken who has been eon-fined to the house through Illness is better and la able to he out again Rev Father Healy was in Deseron-to on Thursday night for the confirmation service which was held in 8t Vincent da Paul Church when a splendid clam which had been prepared by Rev Leary were confirmed by Archbishop of Kingston Several members of the congregation of St Patrick's Church were in attendance Mr and Mrs Christy Keller accompanied by their daughter Mrs Percy Rom and daughter Dorothy are spending the week-end In Osh-awa with Mr and Mra Valentine Mesem VanLuven and Houston were business callers In Taranto this week ff They said It wu oven-f workj So I fused during the deyr Bui I continued to feel terribly tired and listless Then dyspepsia wu suspected ao I look care with my die And yet I could fad no real improvement! I began to think It wu really serious until one day a friend advised Ovaltine It wu lust what I needed Since taking Ovaltine regularly been a different womaoj JUL CASHES 1914 ORDER THE PAS Men May 8 (CP) Mir Aims Keddie to The Pa Mia 130 mtia northwest to Winnipeg had on extiw three dollare today when Ottawa Portal authorities instructed this town's Poetmeeter to ecorpt the House Cleaning Made Easy Let Modern Cleaners help you with your housecleaning and you will be relieved of the drudgery and you will have the satisfaction of knowing everything will be returned cleaned as you would like them to be We cleanse thoroughly RUGS PORTIERES DRAPES CURTAINS PILLOWS ETC tendance and had the highest number to points thuo winning the lovely prise Ladies Aid Society The monthly meeting to the India Aid Society to the United Church wu held to the church pulor with the president Mr Stover presiding There wu an average attemkau and after the opening period a very putt-tying financial report wu given The vutoue group treasurers presented their reports end turned to the monks raised by the group Tbe flower fund ooUeetton wu taken and dues wen paid During the buelnea eeeekm It wu decided to present the official board with a substantial donation It wu decided to hold a rummage oak some time during the month and will be sponsored by the group to which Mi Burley te the convenor It wu eko decided that Improvements win be made to 4he parsonage which will eauetet to redeoonting the Interior Penmate Mr and Mr Sidney Brown were in Kingston and visited hte brother Mi dement te able to be out again having been confined to the house far the peat few weeks owing to dna Mi Prank Youig who hu been pending the winter in BeUevlRe with her daughter the Mteea Pay and Datey Young hu returned to town for the summer Herbert MoOeb Pleh end Gome Inspector to BeUerlUe wu a buetaea eelterta town Burley to Trenton wa the recent guest to hk mother lb William Burley Mi William Rowsom to Befkvnie spent a fcw deyw the guort to Ibr end Mi William Pield Mr and Mi Thompna were In BeUevUk recently end risked friend Mra dwria Higgs wu to Ktage-tan this week end risked ha fottar Mr McDonald who te a patteat hi the General HoepIteL Claus tea patient In the hospital to Kingston Mi Thompson to BowmenvUk te the guort to her mother Mi Naylor Coronation BaU Is Finale to Celebration The crowning event to the Coronation celebration to Kingston will he the Coronation BaU to be held to (1m Gymnasium under the auspices to the Kiwwnte Outa The spacious building in which It will be held wu secured through the blnitnoe to Queen's authorities end cause it te the largest dance floor in Kingston large crowd can dance there with comfort and the noma where refrertunente will bo served are mot suitable It te only on auch a special oeoeten that this Quecnli dance floor te obtainable far other then college functions end the Kforaa-lane to chart to tba Ball fart that this In Itself te good reason far generous public support The pstrooeeeu and patrons to the Ban were published yesterday end the Xhnniana are hoping for capacity crowd They era alee trying to make generally known to thou who cannot attend that the purohue to a ticket win be a direct and generous Coronation contribution to the fund that ie required far children playground track at Klwante Squaw FREE STORAGE GUARANTEED WITH PERFECT PROTECTION AND STORAGE CONDITIONS Bend your garments to us and let ue dry clean them and we will store them FREE until required MODERN CLEANERS and DYERS See Mimh IU Pfion 31 so OVALTINE TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE Ifenafactund by JL Waxier Limited Peterborough Ctnadai.

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The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Views: 6047

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.