The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2024)


Regular 30c. 50c and 75c for 19c, 35c, 50c Bronchitis comes from a neglected cold and it, if neglected, will surely I urn Inin pneumonia. The drst symptom Is a abort, painful, dry cough. accompanied with rapid wheezing and a feeling of oppression or tightnes through the chest. The phlegm raised from the bronchial tubes is at first of a light color but as the disease progresses it be-.

omes of a yellowish or greenish eoi-' nr and very often hard to raise. Dr. Wood's Norway is just the) remedy you require as it loo -ns the phlegm und heals 'the lung und bronchia! tubes. i Mrs. has lirean, Amherst.

N.S.. writes: I wax troubled for ycurs with bronchitis, and could not lind relief. I was especially bad on damp day. I went to druggist nnd asked him for something to stop the constant tickling in my throat. He gave me bottle of Dr.

Wood' Norway Pine Syrup, which I found gave me instant relief. I think it is the best medicine for bronchitis I know or. I now take care fhut I1 always have a bottle on hand. Dr. Wood's" is the genuine, put up in yellow wrapper, three pine tree the trade mark, price 2 und Manufactured for the past 23 years by The T.

Milbitru Limited. To-route. Out. TEA APRONS Hundreds of pretty tea aprons, mfg. prices at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c COLLARS Hundreds of sample collars, crepe-de-chene, Georgette crepe, organdy, etc.

from 15c to $1.50, all worth nearly double tbe price. Come IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. MENDELS Opp. Grand Opera House 217 Princess My Blasses French Ivory A- hristmiis jrext-m Ivory has ih-' of l.cirm both ly uf if ill untl truly ihi-ful giD. Engravi'! with mohotiriini or initial, filled in with ivld or ItovnI lliiie.

Dufu.liUx Kieriili Ivory ami Ivor tie Luxe Mirrors, up to Ml. To. Il.tir Krti-li, It, Mo.OO. t'oiul), 4iN- a lid I lollies llriish. a I.

fit I and V.1.IHI. Itonnel llriislit's, 1 1 $2.00, anil Null Ptdisliers. OOr, $1.25, lo Soup Ht, -VN' untl Hot. TihiiIi llrtisli Holders, SV untl Slioe Horn, Null Pile, 5S.V, 4 Or nnd TV. Hulttni lltNik, Sr, 41b- and TV.

I tilii-le, 2V-, 40e and TV'. liruslies, M.l.00 nntl $7.00. I'runies, TV', $1.00 untl Kinnear dEsterre Jewelers. Cor. Wellington and Princess Sts.

CANADIAN idiPACiricI INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION Chicago, 111. Dec. 2nd to 9th, 1916. Hound trip ticket will lie Issued good going on Itcvenilicr ttnl, fth, ml I PI It, id id to return until Decemlmr lillli, Hilti. I'urc Purtlrulur from F.

Conwuy, C. P. City Ticket Oflirr, Cor. Irln-cm anil Wellington street. ITnme 11(17.

lit nln nr (be lm MMi-kmUR-klp. n.lJu.lM.Rt mm4 that hr hud. 'Ihai I by puIrHIa Irr Mlhl, Mllb xlawni. Iuii i-KHuni hr luu rarrlnl ul Hr r)ulnbi. Wbia UH irrt ibr nn Kliluk un Ibr trunblr, ibr nlm iblu to do I lu ruHHUll J.

J. STEWART, Opt.D. Oldiciiiii ami (Iptiiinvlrlst. (or. Wellington A- CUn'iice hi.

Opf lnf Office TJiiiiin ADO Save the Babies FOR THE EMPIRES SAKE USE ONLY PASTEURIZED MILK Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized and sold In Sealed Bottles. try P. WALSH Itione 100 Hat-ruck St. Purina Scratch Feed and Purina Chowder Makes Hens Lay. I nr Suit Itjr D.

Couper 21 1st 1rlMTiN hlrfrt. Phone 76. CtNwt Hrtinl 0hlrr. rr Xmas Necessaries Yihi will all nml huui untl kIiihh brfiif lirlxlina. liy uot jjft thm at Iht) Model Shoe Store lt liavr a vwy hnii) Murk all kinds and ran suit all laMrs In latlW mens untl lilltlrrus hoot and shoes.

bleb we will aril at the alii 184 Princess Street II. NOTbmi; frap. AT Till-: UNIQUE GROCERY Pure Cane Syrup, 1-V Mnie llutfer, 2.V 111. iVauul lluller, 2.V III. Pun Jam and Jelly, Site Hi.

C. H. Pickering I Phone 3.10 Prop. IHO and 402 Prioress Street. Downeys Garage Open Day aad Night.

Repair Work of All Kind. I'urs Stored Uni II May 1st: Small Cars, $10.00. laryti Para, $12.00. Can for Bln. Gasmline, Oils aad Creases Always oa Hand.

We Store Faraltora George Downey, Prop. 180 Qaeea Street. Ptmaa GROCERY BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS E. H. BAKER IVIkIiom lo anntHinee Huai hn lias ree-emly iun liuMd lltn (froeery IiunIhmii fueinwly ran by M.

Kennedy, anti will ronllaue to rarry a (IoNcUmi Mrak of rliolre gmrrrirft, fruits, feetls, Christmas stork now com l'hle. Dales, Prunes, Apricot. Your order solicited. Cor. Montreal aad diaries Streets.

Phono THOMES COPLEY Telephone 987 srpan- kinds of repairs aad aaw work: aim, bard-wood floors of all kinds. All orders win rooolvs prompt attoation. Khop. IP Quean street wanting anything don in tha esrp tory llns Bottmataa given on all I Our Made to Measure Service $25. $30.

ii IN TO NEWS FROM (THE DISTRICT ri ipprn from thk wines MANY BRIGHT In Rrlef Form the Frenis la The Country About Kingston Ate Told Full of Interest to Slany. 1 are name on Pembroke voters' list. 1i.s Ruby James. Almoin e. hii.

W. II. riuiiord' In vs a npraiib'-r. V. A.

IVibon. nuniivi.b'. will nt Carleiou Place tl.e yili-l Of IleCenihiT. (iniier J. I.awli-r.

a HHi'-iilli boy. who wi'iit overseas wiiii ilw Hanery. has bt'fii wuiin.t-l. i.s Pearl Itoliuii awl Prank Ire- toy. Drummond, were quietly mur-rl-l on Nov.

2 1 ar Clayton. i Charles Collins tiled at Ib'lle-i vlllf. N. ued si-vi'iity-two year, lie was horn at Belleville. where lie also married Miss Margaret halt no.

who survives. 0. Spring, assistant enftineer on Tweed-KliHfs'oii C.N. Hy. has been transferred to Trenton, and Mr.

Mi-Keiiny of Tietiton ha taken bis place. A qnli-t wedding was soli mtiizeil at tin. linnie of Mr. ami Mrs. George May.

Melville, on 22nd. when their seeontl daughter. Plossle Kliia-lieili. heeaiiii tin: bride of John Wealin' (Iraliani. Hastings.

'The Patriotic Fund Committee appeared before the I.cnnnx and Addington Council to urge the. council to pass a resolution urging 'lie 1917 council to continue the county's contribution to the fund. I.awrence F. Howard, the senior major of Hie LJOHi Forestry Hattul-inn. was horn in Aylmer, in 1 Ih: is grandson of Hip late W.

II. Fredeiiliiirg. of Westport, utiil a nephew of W. Fredetibnrg, of that place. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs.

I. Washhiirne. Athens, on Nov. 2 lltli, when her youngest daughter. Cynthia Hazel, was united In marriage to G.

Russell Sturgeon, a prosperous farmer, of Alta. On Nov. 22nd. the home of Mr. and Mrs.

William Waddinghaui. Lonsdale, was the scene of a pretty event when their only daughter, Gladys Irene, waa united in marriage with Robt. McFarlane, Marysville. The daily papem published the name or Pte. Max Pringle, whose rainlly lives at Newburgh, as having died of pneumonia in Kngland.

His wife, however rereived a telegram from Ottawa that, they have received no report of his death. Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. c. W.

Garrison, Morven, gave them a pleasant, surprise on the eve of their departure for Napanee, where they will reside. During ihe evening, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison were presented with an address from the people of the Morven circuit. On Nor.

27tb, thn stately home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Floppy Hill, was the scene of a Joyous odcusinii, the reception of their only son, Kred und his bride, nee Miss Grace Sexsmith, youngest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew G.

Pexstnitli. Empey Hill, their marriage hnving laken place on the Wednesday previous at the Methodist parsonage. Selby. New Ammunition Factory. Trcnlon, Dec.

2. The Gaylord Engineering and Construction Co. will hit i Id ul once ii large hotel or hoarding apartment lo a ccom Hindu i about five Ini ml red men in sleeping rooms. Tin dining room to serve 3d0 at a sitting. This is intended to accommodate the men working on thp additional plant to he 'recred next to the present plant.

Twelve to riftren bundled people will be employed at the works when completed. This will be one of the hugest munition plants In Canada, if not the largest. There are now four ii und red men working on the construction of foundations and buildings. Seventy teamsters are employed drawing gravel anil cement is arriving daily hy carloads. Owing to the large Dumber of men employed, the -hotels, boarding and private are taxed to their utmost for sleeping accommodation.

All vacant houses hare been taken up. RID STOMACH OF CASES, SOURNESS, AND INDIGESTION HPupeN Dia pepsin KwIm All Mom sell IlhliCM in Five Minutes. You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach la too valuable; you mustn't injure It with drastic drag. Papes DU pepsin le noted for its speedl. giving relief; Its harmless 4 V.

Prun ir Ctwn Corrcspon.lentl 2. Under the auspices of the Un'imn's Auxiliary of Christ Church si I'-ccssful afternoon tea was held in Anglican Farih House on afternoon in celebration of St. Andrews day. Ciiaries Pecor, machinist for the lirm of Farmenter and Hulloch. re-fi-iw-il the sad news on Thursday of i.

of his son. Pte. Chillies Pecor of -the Stub Battalion, which occurred recently in action. Deceased lived all his life in this town, prior to enlisting, after which with his wife and family of ten ehil-dreii he removed to Kingston where tin family still resides. rhiiMian Endeavor night wa cel-ihran'd by the Y'oung People's Society of Grace Church last evening.

T. I. Kilis being in charge. A court of Revision was held yesterday afternoon whh the junior judge of the united counties In charge. Quite a large number of new names were added to the voters liar.

A number from town aueudeo in. pit: lot ie dance held in Victoria Hall, liroikville last evening under the anspices of 1116 Brock viile baseball club. Fire Chief Charles Sweet, started last evening on bis newly added work of night policeman. Mrs. C.

E. Beerman, spending reveral months In Brockville with her daughter, Mrs. C. N. Palmer, arrived home for a visit with her mother, Mrs.

Bull is. King street. RAIN OF FISH ON RIDEAU HEIGHTS Smith's Falls Has Season's Best Fish Story Vouched for and Samples Shown. Falls, Dee. 2.

Fish from tlin clouds during a rain storm almost beyond beKef in these advanced times, but McLean brothers, of Rideau Heights, vouch for the Lriitli of the statement that such a plieuomenon occurred in their district during the storui of Thursday Inst. About a dozen fisb were picked up on the McLean farm after the storm had passed over on Thursday, and while they were quite dead when picked tip, were as fresh as though Just been taken front the lake. The specimens found were quite small, about the size of sardines, anil appeared to bo small w-hliefish. How they arrived on the farm except from the none will attempt to explain. I.ATK NORMAN HITtll GOULD.

Memlier of Town Council foe Several Year. Port Hope. Dee. 2. Norman Durr Gould, one of Port Hopes iiioxt successful business men, passed away on Thursday after an Illness of short duration.

Deceased wan born in Col-hortic. on March 3rd, 18411, and was in buxines in Norwood, Port Perry and Port Hope. During his twenty-eight years' residence in litis town he conducted a successful mercantile buxines anil acquired considerable realty. He was a member of the council for several years and always took an active part in municipal affairs. On May 17th, 1880, lie wax married to Ida Adelaide, daughter of llte late George Darager, Bellc-ville.

He was a member of the Independent Order of Foresters and an ncl-ive worker in (he Baptist church. He lx xnrvived by hi wife, three children and two sonx. DEATH OF lMlYI.K. she Hail Undergone an Operation In Kingston. Napanee.

Dec. 2. Rose Embury, beloved wife of W. 11. Ilnyle, passed away quite suddenly on Wednesday.

Some months ago she underwent an operation in the Kingston General Hospital and wa recovering nicely when heart trouble developed, and just before the end pneumonia set in. Mrs. Boyle was one of the leading workers in the Ladies Aid of Trinity church, where her services and uniformly cheery counsel will be missed. Deceased was daughter of the late George Enthury, and spent all her life in Napjnee. Besides her husband, she leaves one son, llarry Boyle; two sisters.

Dr. Embury. Ottawa; and Mrs. Harvey Elder, Woodlands, and one brother. Dr.

Embury. Bancroft. Wolfe Island New. Wolfe' Island. Dec.

1. Capt. James Kinney of the Earl King, has returned home, accompanied by his son, James, who sailed on the name boat. Robert Gtimwhaw has gone to Watertown to visit relatives. Capt.

Orr loaded hay for Kingston. Daniel Dawson, New York. Is visiting relatives here. Harry Fawcett Cough have Phone 845 A Victrola Settles What to give? best answered by a Victrola. It is the ideal gift as well as the ideal musical instrument.

We have the proof right here the Victrola itself. Come in and see and hear the different styles $21 to $400. Terms to suit your convenience. IS Prices the Xmas Question JmI I IMI htftrt I amtM Limited Kingston, Ont. I -C.

-is C'V I I I s- S' The Luc Mimcx Nirnfford. On Nov. death removed a highly-resfM'i'ied citizen and prosperous farmer of Loughborough, in the person of Moxps SpatTord. He bad a patient sufferer for tbe past two years, and although his death wax not unexiiccted. yet a deep gloom wax cast over the community in which he lived when it became known ho had panned away, und many ex-prexxfona of regret anil sympathy were heard.

The funeral services were held nt his lain residence, Spaf-rordlon. conducted hy It Ih pastor, Rev. F. A. Read.

Sydenham, who made a very touching reference to the deceased in his sermon, after which the remains were Interred in tlte family plot at Sydenham. To mourn his loss he leaves a widow and two sons: on a farm adjoining his father's; Wallace on the homestead, and two sisters. Mrs. G. Aykroyd.

Inverary, nnd Mrs. W. Knapp, Sydenham. The pull-bearers were nephews of the deceased. LOOKING TOWARDS I'EACK Influential Gcruiau Go to llnlhinil to Gel Information.

London, Dee. 2. The Rotterdam correspondent of tbe Times says: Certain German personalities with international connections have arrived in Holland for the purpose of getting in touch with pacillst propagandists. The Daily Mail's Rotterdam correspondent descriltes these propagandists as politicians of various countries. STOCK EXCHANGE.

The I Vi cos Hull Are Bond. Iald For the York Stocks. Open. Atchison 106 Vi Baltimore A Ohio 86 44 G. 1.

167 Krle 3 8 V4 Heading 11244 Union Iaclflc ..147 44 Republic U. S. Steel 125T4 Inter. Nickel 46 Am. Loco 90 New Noon.

106 4 87 16814 38 148 89 84 1 26 46 91 lliliop's Installation. Pembroke, Doc. 2. The papal bull confirming the appointment of Blrliop Ryan to the See of Pembroke have arrived from Rome and announcement is made that the formal installation will take place in St. Coltimba's Cathedral on Dec.

21xt. Archbishop Gauthier, Ottawa, will officiate and practically all the clergy of the diocete, as well ax many from outside, are expected to attend. The Englixh sermon for the occasion will be preached by Rev. Father IJooner, bogie, and the French xerinon by Kv. Father Kintpton, Vinton.

Rumanian Wheat Stock. Rome, Dee. 2. A report issued by the International Institute of Agriculture estimates Rumanias total wheat stock at lOO.OdO.OOO buxhels, of which 30,000,006 bushels represent last year's surplus. Thn estimate of this year's harvest ending July 21st for rye, barley, ones and corn is 143.000,000 bushel.

Slightly larger areas than were used last year have been sown for the winter. Mrs. L. A. Hamilton, of Toronto, a member of tbe Ontario Equal Franchise Association, will address a meeting of the Women's Canadian Club la Convocation' Hall, Tuesday.

Dee. 5th, at 8 p.m. All women Invited. CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh aa muck blood disease terafula or rheumatism. It may be relieved, but it eanaot bs removed by simply loeal treatment.

It causes beadaebs and dizaiaeas, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, affeets tha voice, deranges tha digesting, and breaks down tbs general health. It weakens tha delict ts long tiasusa and leads to eonsumptioa. Hoods Sarsaparilla goat lo tha seat of tbo troubia, porifloo tha blood, and is so noecenafal that it ia kaowm na tha bent remedy for catarrh. Hood's Karaaparilla alrsaotksaa and tones tbo wholo system. llmMi ep Ask your druggist for Heads, aad insist on kaviaf it.

Than ioao C. W. Lindsay, 121 Princess Street A Few REAL VALUES FIVE IMPORTED FABRICS TAILORED YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASUREMENTS Suggestions No doubt you have planned to do your Christmas shopping early and decided to give useful presents. LET US SUGGEST A FEW Felt Slippers Hockey Boots Moccasins Evening Slippers nena; lu certain unfailing action In regulating sick. sour, gassy stomachs.

Its millions of cures In indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other atom- seh trouble has made ft famous the 1 moving into the house he world over. lately purchased. Michael OBrien si Keep this perfect stomach doctor WR1 lk possession of the Island S31 in your home keep It handy get Hotel. a large fifty-cent ease from- any drug store and then if anyone should eat Iasi Was -Asphyxiated, as! something whlrh doesnt agree with Peterboro. Dec.

1. Escaping gas asithem; if what they eat lays like'nuMd the death ot Lorus Smith. lend, ferments and sours snd forms time between twe nnd 9.3 3 causes headaches, dizsiness and on Thursday morning. Deceased. 3, nausea; eructations of arid nnd an- vbn was fifteen years of age, was years or age, Daniel Lacey and Arthur returned from Watertown, after attending the funeral of the latters nnrle.

George Cough. Jack Brice- And many other useful and very acceptable gifts that we can suggest to you. 1 PRINCESS STREET. 1 See Our Classy Neckwear, 50c, 75c, $1.00 ggg 1 diiinimminminiuimmmuiinmini as digested food remember as soon ns employed as bell-hoy at the Em EE-1 'ape's Dlapepsia comes In contact rru Hotel. Deceased was a son of S3 with the stomach nil such distress Cnndaetor Smith, of the C.P.K.

He vanishes. Its promptness, certainty was one of two twins. The boy's S3 sod ease la overcoming the worst pareits reside la Havelock, Decesa-53 stomach disorders Is a revels (Ion to bu been employed at the hotel for those who try It. several months. I The Home of Good Shoes.

annnninniininmniiiatmimiiniiiflniiiiiiiiiiinim i 't r- 4 4 -SLaH rr asasawae Mb.

The Kingston Whig-Standard from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.